Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jewish Kids in College

Zionism: the idea that there is an independent Israel as a Jewish state.
Zionist: one who supports Zionism
Zionist Youth Movement: started in the 60’s, this is an organization with offices around the world dedicated to informal education about Zionism geared towards youth
Many times, Zionists, especially the young adults, will be very vocal about their political and religious views. This causes not only tension with people of other cultures, but also with other Jews. Most Jews are for an independent Jewish nation of Israel, however the Zionist extremists cause a lot of anxiety within the community.
Although it may sound odd, it is not uncommon to find a Zionist who is for an independent nation of Israel, but not necessarily a Jewish nation state of Israel. This can also cause anxiety in the Jewish community for those who do believe that Israel is a Jewish land.
Hillel: The Foundation for a Jewish Campus Life:
Mission statement: "to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world."
A Hillel is a place for Jewish students to gather with others of similar faith structures and core values. There are 400 Hillel centers around the world at various universities.
Here is a video of a year in review of the Hillel at University of Florida.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jewish Traditions

1. Circumcision
a. Called “Brit Milah”
b. Circumcision on 8th day of life
c. Celebration held afterwards
d. Represents mar85riage between Jews and God
e. Represents idea of being “set apart”
2. Bar/Bat Mitzvah
a. Age 13 for boy/12 for a girl
b. “Mitzvah” means ‘obligated to perform the Jewish mitzvoth (or commandments)’
c. Chant the haftarah, the prophetic portion, of the Torah over the congregation during Sabbath morning service
d. Year of preparation
e. Change in relationship between child and parent
3. Marriage Ceremony
a. Kesubah- Marriage contract
b. Bedeken- the unveiling; comes from story of Jacob and Leah
c. The Canopy- chuppah
d. The Seven Blessings
4. Death and Funeral
a. Interment (Burial) very important to return to the Earth
b. Taharah- ritual cleansing for body with water, dressing with prayer shawl, dirt spinkled on various parts of body
c. Levayah- means “funeral” and “accompany to grave”
d. Only be buried among fellow Jews
e. Readings of a funeral service
5. Other Smaller Traditions
a. Kosher eating
b. Torah prayer hung above the door
i. Mezuzah Scroll – reads Duet. 6:4-9
c. The Upsherin (first haircut for a boy at age 3)

Passover Demonstrated

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

March 8, 1978

Dear Sophie, 

It is Friday night and we are all sitting down for Shabbat. You do not understand now but this ritual every week on Friday at sunset to Saturday at sundown. During this time Sophie it is important to follow the faith. It is your job to light candles to ward off the darkness and bring in the Divine. This time will allow you to pray, read, and refresh for the week with family.
Passover is coming up and is the most important of holidays for our faith. The Bible’s book of Exodus tells of the flight of Jewish people from slavery which is how this holiday came to be celebrated. Moses led the Jews to the Promise land to begin a life without persecution. "And you shall tell it to your son on that day, saying, 'Because of this God did for us when He took me out of Egypt.'" (Exodus 13:8). These days of prayer last for eight days.  The most important part of the Passover holiday is the Seder, which serves as a religious service and a meal. Foods, which we will make together until I am not able to cook anymore, include, matzoh(unleavened bread may not be eaten during the 8 days of passover), haroset(copped nuts and apples with some wine), karpas(a vegetable dipped in salt water and eaten), maros(bitter herbs), a hard boiled egg and roasted lamb. You may not understand why we are serving these foods now but I will tell you the meaning one day. This is a special holiday as you know because you required to ask four questions at the end of each passover seder. These questions are answered by your father and I from the book of  Haggadah. One day you will answer your children's questions during the Passover. I hope that you take this holiday to heart because your ancestors were once persecuted and this holiday celebrated their freedom. That is all I have to teach you for now dear Sophie.

Love always, Mama


“I saw you and I knew you; I set you apart.

When you were in your mother’s womb

I knit you and stitched you a heart.”

Surely, YHWH is for us;

Surely, YHWH is for us

A bastion of strength.

He is concerned for them all and one.

He comforts the widow;

He keeps covenant with the wanderer.

“And how could I forget

what my hands wrought,”

says YHWH,

“what my mouth spoke,

and it came to be?”

“You, who my eyes saw

before the mountains were formed

or the seas were laid;

You, my betrothed,

whom I called by name—

my covenant I will not break.”

Surely YHWH is for us;

Surely YHWH is for us

A bastion of strength.

He will not repent concerning his word

Nor will he relent concerning his promise;

He will not turn back concerning

that which He has spoken.

Let all who hope in YHWH rejoice

and all who trust in our God shout for joy,

for surely his compassions never fail,

for his loving-kindness never ceases.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bonus Piyyut: The Yigdal Prayer!

A piyyut is a Jewish liturgical poem, usually designated to be sung, chanted, or recited during religious services.

Yigdal - "May God Be Hallowed"

Maimonides' 13 Principles of Jewish Faith

Modern Judaism lacks a centralized authority that would dictate exact religious dogma; however, all strains of Judaism are based, to some extent, on principles of the Hebrew Bible (Torah - teachings; Nevi'im - Prophets; Ketuvim - writings) and commentaries such as the Talmud and Midrash.

13 Principles of Faith:
  1. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, is the Creator and Guide of everything that has been created; He alone has made, does make, and will make all things.
  2. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, is One, and that there is no unity in any manner like His, and that He alone is our God, who was, and is, and will be.
  3. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, has no body, and that He is free from all the properties of matter, and that there can be no (physical) comparison to Him whatsoever.
  4. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, is the first and the last.
  5. I believe with perfect faith that to the Creator, Blessed be His Name, and to Him alone, it is right to pray, and that it is not right to pray to any being besides Him.
  6. I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the prophets are true.
  7. I believe with perfect faith that the prophecy of Moses our teacher, peace be upon him, was true, and that he was the chief of the prophets, both those who preceded him and those who followed him.
  8. I believe with perfect faith that the entire Torah that is now in our possession is the same that was given to Moses our teacher, peace be upon him.
  9. I believe with perfect faith that this Torah will not be exchanged, and that there will never be any other Torah from the Creator, Blessed be His Name.
  10. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, knows all the deeds of human beings and all their thoughts, as it is written, "Who fashioned the hearts of them all, Who comprehends all their actions" (Psalms 33:15).
  11. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, rewards those who keep His commandments and punishes those that transgress them.
  12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he may tarry, nonetheless, I wait every day for his coming.
  13. I believe with perfect faith that there will be a revival of the dead at the time when it shall please the Creator, Blessed be His name, and His mention shall be exalted for ever and ever.